Apr 10

Tomato 内置的 DNS 服务器 DNSMASQ 默认缓存条目是 150 条,默认设置不能抵挡 段的 DNS-rebind attacks 。


如上图设置 Tomato 的 DNS,并且添加如下自定义参数:

## Some Tweak
## Additional DNS servers
# Hong Kong BroadBand Network DNS servers
# Huchison Whampoa DNS servers

这样设置后用 DNS Benchmark 测试可以得到一个完全安全的本地 DNS 服务器,并且增加 DNS 缓存数量到 8192 条;添加的 DNS 服务器位于香港,适用于广州深圳用户,其他地方的用户可以修改这些服务器地址。

DNS Benchmark

在 Telnet 控制台输入 killall -USR1 dnsmasq ,然后去 Tomato 的日志目录可以查看全部 DNS 服务器查询命中情况。

以上适用于 TomatoUSB 或者原版,如果要用在 Tomato Duelwan 上面,要去掉 cache-size=8192 这条,因为 TD 已经内置了 cache-size=512 ,另行设置会出错导致 DNSMASQ 不能启动。

Tomato Duelwan 修改 cache-size 的方法,telnet 登录路由器:

nvram set dnsmasq_cachesize=1024
nvram commit

Mar 29

CoreAVC 2.51

CoreAVC is known in the industry as being the standard for playback of high quality H.264 video. The new CoreAVC Decoder allows you to offload video decoding to any accelerated decoder that works with either NVIDIA CUDA or ATI with Microsoft's DirectX Video Acceleration (DXVA) interface for any Windows XP, Vista, or Windows 7 PC.


Technology Bulletpoints:

  • -Supports Windows 7
  • -32/64 bit Support
  • -DXVA 1/2 Compatible
  • -NVIDIA CUDA GPU support
  • -ATI GPU support (DXVA)
  • -Multicore ready (16 CPU Cores)
  • -8100x8100 Resolution Support
  • -Full Interlaced support
  • -Uses Directshow for MKV
  • -Haali Media Splitter Included
  • - ADD: DXVA1 support (with red tray icon)
  • - ADD: DXVA2 support (with red tray icon)
  • - ADD: new x64 blit asm code (unified with x86)

2.5.1 更新主要是支持 DXVA 解码了,也就是说 A 卡也可以用这个软件进行硬解了;

2.5.5 主要是一些 Bug 修复;

What's new in this release
CoreAVC H.264 Video Codec - Version (20110421)
- FIX: Clean reference lists when seeking to a SEI recovery point
- FIX: matrix ordering for buggy ATI DXVA implementation
- FIX: non-transposed matrices for NVIDIA DXVA mode
- FIX: validate GPU type, driver version and stream parameters before using DXVA


Mar 26

About Deadwood

Deadwood is the code that will eventually become MaraDNS’ next recursive resolver; right now it is a stable and functioning non-recursive cache. Deadwood, unlike MaraDNS, does not need threads to resolve queries, and has features MaraDNS’ recursive cache doesn’t have, such as “resurrections” and the ability to read and write the cache to disk.

Only 34.3k ,it can write DNS items to the file and load on next start.Easy to config.(Default config can work well like a charm.)


My config example:

# Forward Servers we connect to


#In order to enable DNS-over-TCP, this variable must be set and have a value of 1.

tcp_listen = 1

# The IP this program has

bind_address =

# The IPs allowed to connect and use the cache

recursive_acl =

# The file containing a hard-to-guess secret

random_seed_file = secret.txt

# This is the file Deadwood uses to read the cache to and from disk

cache_file = dw_cache

Mar 26

About Unbound

Unbound is a validating, recursive, and caching DNS resolver.

The C implementation of Unbound is developed and maintained by NLnet Labs. It is based on ideas and algorithms taken from a java prototype developed by Verisign labs, Nominet, Kirei and ep.net.

Unbound is designed as a set of modular components, so that also DNSSEC (secure DNS) validation and stub-resolvers (that do not run as a server, but are linked into an application) are easily possible.

First step, download Unbound ZIP files from:


then extract all files to d://Unbound,

Next step,you must edit next two files so you can let it work fine on windows.


# Unbound configuration file on windows.
# See example.conf for more settings and syntax
    directory: d:Unbound
    # file to read root hints from.
    # get one from ftp://FTP.INTERNIC.NET/domain/named.cache
    root-hints: named.cache

    # the log file, “” means log to stderr.
    # Use of this option sets use-syslog to “no”.
    logfile: unbound.log

    # verbosity level 0-4 of logging
    verbosity: 0

    # on Windows, this setting makes reports go into the Application log
    # found in ControlPanels - System tasks - Logs
    use-syslog: no

    # if yes, perform prefetching of almost expired message cache entries.
    prefetch: yes

    # Enable IPv4, “yes” or “no”.
    do-ip4: yes

    # Enable IPv6, “yes” or “no”.
    do-ip6: no

    # Enable UDP, “yes” or “no”.
    do-udp: yes

    # Enable TCP, “yes” or “no”.
    do-tcp: yes


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

Start Menu Folder”=”Unbound

Now you can run unbound-service-install.exe ,after this you will get a high performance local DNS resolver with validating, recursive, and caching(memory) function.

Mar 26

用过 quakelive 的 raw input(in_mouse 2) 模式后觉得手感很不错,于是去找 quake3 的修改版,感谢 Q3A 的开放源码,找到两个 MOD 版本的 quake3.exe,都能正常支持 raw input。

先说下 raw input 的优点吧:

1. 没有使用 Windows 鼠标标准输入(in_mouse -1) 情况下的负加速度,当然这种模式本来就很少人用;
2. 不再需要修复注册表那些补丁,就可以完全消除 Windows (本身)带来的加速度;
3. 无缓冲区,直接交换鼠标数据,这意味着和 DirectInput (in_mouse 1) 相比它的延迟更小。

附件一 quake3-132-raw.rar 是 ESR 发布,sk4ut 编译的版本,对应的 raw input 参数是(in_mouse 3);

附件二 vql.exe 是 rain 的版本,对应的 raw input 参数是(in_mouse 2).

你可以在进入 Q3 后 ~ 呼出命令行,运行 in_restart 来验证 raw input 模式是否正常运行(会提示,已找到 raw 支持的鼠标 xxxxx,或者是 raw input win32 启用正常之类的字样)。

附件一的版本发布者已测试: A4Tech X-710FS, MS WMO 1.1a, MS IE 3.0, Razer Diamondback 1600 DPI, Razer DeathAdder 3G 正常,我测试过 Logitec MX518, G5, G9, G500, MS SideWinder X8 在 Windows XP SP3 以及 Windows 7 x64 U 下使用也都正常(有效果,而且 CTF 20 分钟以上无报错);


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