
2007-10-14 – 9:54 上午 --- 6,254 次阅读


Automatic Updates feature forces machines across the globe to reboot

Woke up this morning to a Windows log in screen? Swear you set that option "Download updates but let me choose whether to install them"? We did too.

In what appears to be a major glitch at Microsoft, Windows users are trickling in from across the globe reporting that their machines downloaded and installed updates they did not consent to. Rubbing salt in the wound, machines were also automatically and forcefully rebooted at the default 3am time frame.

We have requested comment from someone on the Windows Update team as this incident raises serious questions -- Why does Windows have the capability to override a user's choice? What are the legal ramifications for installing software on a machine without consent? Is the user still bound by the EULA they never read?

Stay tuned. It's going to get ugly.



Start / Run / gpedit.msc / Local Computer Policy / Computer Configuration / Administrative Templates / Windows Components / Windows Update / Re-prompt for restart with scheduled installations

开始/运行/gpedit.msc/本地计算机策略/计算机配置/管理模板/Windows 组件/Windows Update/计划的自动更新安装后不自动重启动,将其设置为“启用”,

From LifeHacker

还有一种就是用软件,IntelliAdmin的免费软件Auto Reboot Setter可以很方便的启用和禁用这项功能。


补充一下,如果正在使用计算机时提示重启,可以在运行窗口键入 shutdown -a 来关闭重启界面,或者使用 net stop wuauserv 来暂时停止Windows自动更新服务(重启后此服务自动开启,不会影响自动更新)




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